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VLV srl is a company located in Italy, with a registered and operative office in Spinea (VE) near Venice. A representative office is present in Middle East, Central Asia and Libya.

VLV S.r.l.

Registered and Operative Office

Via delle Industrie, 34 – 30038 – Spinea (Venezia) Italia

telefono Tel: +39 041 997612
email E-mail:

VLV Middle East and Central Asia Office

Business Center 04, Office 321A, RAKEZ Business Center Zone – FZ, PO BOX 99817 RAK, UAE

Contact Person: Hassan El Hariry, Middle East Sales office Director

telefono Tel: +971 52 856 2187
email E-mail:

VLV Libya Office

Business Center 04, Office 321A, RAKEZ Business Center Zone – FZ, PO BOX 99817 RAK, UAE

Contact Person: Hassan El Hariry, Middle East Sales office Director

telefono Tel: +971 52 856 2187
email E-mail:

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